
KUSANAGI Fully Managed Service Case Example: AppMedia


Prime Strategy
Prime Strategy Co., Ltd.

Japan’s Largest Game Strategy Info Site AppMedia Begins Using
Ultrafast WordPress Virtual Machine KUSANAGI and
Amazon RDS for Aurora
Site Display Time Reduced to 1/10th

TOKYO – March 25th, 2016 – Prime Strategy Co., Ltd. (hereby referred to as Prime Strategy) today announced that Japan’s largest game strategy info site AppMedia has begun using KUSANAGI Fully Managed Service with the ultrafast WordPress execution environment KUSANAGI for AWS. KUSANAGI is capable of an execution time of 3 milliseconds and 1000 requests per second without page caching.

As the following graph shows, AppMedia was able to reduce their site display time to 1/10th what it was.

Issues of AppMedia

・Page display time and loading time between pages was slow
・Risk of downtime when the site received heavy traffic
・When an error occurred, staff could not be assigned to it immediately

Results of Using KUSANAGI Fully Managed Service

・Greatly improved page display speed
・24/7 site support
・Ability to talk with experts about more ways to improve

Comment from Noriaki Ikemiya, Engineer/Director at AppMedia

We originally ran the site on our own server. As the site’s page views grew, we made the move to AWS and entrusted our server to another company. We expected more stable performance, but whenever we had heavy traffic the site became unstable. We decided to discuss things with Fastly, and they recommended Prime Strategy’s KUSANAGI Fully Managed Service. Prime Strategy’s proposal was sound and was supported by technological strengths that showed in the performance numbers. And we gained a peace of mind from their commitment to problem-solving. With the attraction of 24/7 site support and the ability to speak to technology experts directly, we ordered the service only a month after proposal.

AppMedia’s Site Infrastructure

The front-end for AppMedia uses the Real-time CDN Fastly, and the back-end uses KUSANAGI for AWS (Nginx and php-fpm) and Amazon RDS for Aurora. It also uses the WordPress plugin HyperDB. The makeup of Aurora’s Read Replicas allows for load-balancing and performance and availability guarantees.


Amazon RDS for Aurora


Case Example Details

About Ultrafast WordPress Virtual Machine KUSANAGI

KUSANAGI is a free and open source virtual machine image developed by Prime Strategy, and it is the world’s fastest WordPress execution environment. Even without using page caching, a quad-core CPU WordPress execution time is 3 milliseconds and requests per second surpass 1000. If you choose to use page caching, requests per second will increase to the 60,000 range.

For more information about KUSANAGI, please visit:

About KUSANAGI Fully Managed Service

We will fine-tune everything: the handling of hardware and middleware, revisions of themes and plugins, optimization of SQL, and reviewing of database structure. With measures in place to continuously improve and maintain performance, we offer a whole-package WordPress hosting service.

For more information about KUSANAGI Fully Managed Service, please visit:

KUSANAGI framework

・WordPress latest version (KUSANAGI dedicated plug-ins included)
・CentOS 7.2
・Nginx 1.9
・Apache 2.4
・PHP 7.0 (php-fpm, Cli)
・HHVM 3.12
・PHP 5.6 (php-fpm, Cli)
・MariaDB Galera Server 10.0

KUSANAGI Development Policy

More than 25% of the world’s websites now use WordPress. Many people are already enjoying its merits. But on the other hand, large-scale sites have begun to wonder if they can use it, too. In order to meet their demand, we developed the world’s fastest WordPress execution environment KUSANAGI.  KUSANAGI offers the latest technology and solutions as well as increased convenience and an improved operating environment for people already using WordPress. We hope to further develop KUSANAGI to make one of WordPress’ merits “high speed”.

About Prime Strategy Group

Prime Strategy Group is a cloud integrator solving the issues of cloud computing for global companies, beginning with Asia. With presences in Japan, Singapore, and Indonesia, we offer cloud integration services, mainly in the form of SI and MSP on cloud platforms.

On the business front, we architect web systems for government bodies as well as corporations that represent both domestic and foreign industries. These include the Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency (JAXA), the University of Tokyo, TV Asahi, Mynavi, Adobe Systems, JTB Asia Pacific, and Bank Negara Indonesia. We have also constructed many large-scale WordPress sites in Japan.

We created the Ultrafast WordPress Virtual Machine KUSANAGI from years of experience. The VM is offered for free on most major cloud platforms, and we recommend KUSANAGI Fully Managed Service as a one-stop tuning and maintenance service from server to WordPress itself.

For inquiries related to this article, please contact Kusunoki or Yoshimasa, our public relations managers at Prime Strategy.
Address  Otemachi 21 Bldg. 5F, 1-4-1 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
TEL: 03-5577-6176 / FAX: 03-5577-6643

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