Wordcamp Jakarta 2019 is the third Wordcamp that held in Jakarta, and the only one event about all things related to WordPress. In this moment, enthusiastic users and developers attended to bring their expertise and experience within WordPress communities. This event covers everything from basic usage to digital marketing, also from the point of view of development into business growth. WordCamp Jakarta is a non-profit event, organized and run by volunteers. Everyone here will takes their time to participate and to learn about WordPress.
Wordcamp allows anyone who interested in WordPress to learn and expands their network within community. Everyone from new users to experienced developers are welcome. The community that mostly attended in this Wordcamp are from various fields, such as: Bloggers, Business, Website Fans, Plugin Developers, Marketing, Social Media Experts, Designers, SEO Experts, Content Creators and Strategists, Educators, Students, and Agencies.
WordCamp Jakarta 2019 was held on February 16, 2019, at Ibis Styles Hotel in Sunter, Jakarta.
Total participants who attended in this event were approximately 300 people in all sessions. Both technical and non-technical sessions.
Background Story
For the better future about our knowledge in the WordPress world, this year we decided to participate as participants to establish relationships between communities, users, and developers in a discussion about the latest technologies in WordPress. In the last event, at WordCamp Jakarta 2017, we contributed as the main sponsor (Bronze tier), with this opportunities we can introduce our product (KUSANAGI) to many participants in there. But this year, we tried something new, so we decided to join the event as participant. Our point of view changed. But our purpose is still the same, gain the experience and knowledge, also promoting our product (KUSANAGI). Other participants, developers, Cloud and Hosting companies shows a very good appreciation of KUSANAGI product, they give so many feedbacks and various questions, also discussions.
Our representatives in this event, from PT. Prime Strategy Indonesia are, Mr. Daeng Marowa, Kurniawan Prasetyo, Muhammad Yosa, and Lucky.

The Main Event
In the First session, after the opening event, the first seminar was Page Speed Load presented by Andrianti R. (a junior programmer from Groovin Web Company in Bali). Page Speed Load is a way to speed up website with optimizing cache, using plugins, or script load. IN addition, the optimized part is not just Homepage, but can be use in other pages, such as, Category, Single Post, or Image Attachments (if any). However, the most important points to speeding up the website are:
- Served scale images
- Specify image dimensions
- Defer parsing of javascript
- Prefer asynchronous resources
- Remove query strings from static resources
There are also many ways to testing the website speed, such as, GtMetrix, Pagespeed Insight, Pingdom, or many other references out there.
As for the second session, Frans Allen presented the speech with title The Secrets of the Real Fast WordPress. This is about the website performance, optimizing the application, also how the CDN works within WordPress. To create a website with really fast load speed, we must take considered to use of CDN (Content Delivery Network), cache Plugins, Anycast DNS, and most importantly is selecting what’s the best of our web servers, like Apache or Nginx. Lastly, don’t forget to testing out every changes in our website at the development stage, to let us know, is the speed load decreasing or not.
In the third session, the title is Hosting WordPress for Free (at Insane Speeds) by Leon Stafford. He shows us how to host a WordPress site locally and then publish to Netlify that has very fast page load but with the zero cost. Also, various modern tools for local WordPress development and end-to-end workflows to produce static copies of our website and upload them to Netlify. We can also see workflows through the UI for the easiest solution. In the technical topic ones, he also shows how to use WP-CLI and special scripts for more flexibility, which can be integrated with the CI/CD workflow itself.
Next in the fourh session, Matt Jaworski an experienced open source website developer givs the intersting speech titled The Future is Now: The Importance of Switching to PHP7. He explains the PHP version update and how recent events has an impact on the industry. Because PHP is undergoing major changes this year (PHP 5.6.x will no longer received official support per December 31, 2019), so he brings all the points about various advantages offered by PHP 7.x compared to the previous version. We must switch to it as soon as possible, if we want to stay update in the future. Several features that improved from previous version such as scalar type declarations, return type declarations, anonymous classes, generator return expressions, and many more that he explained through his speech.
In the fifth and last sessions, the first speech is Google Search Update by Aldrich Christoper an webmaster outreach strategist at Google Asia Pacific. He brings the topic about “How Google Search Works”. What interesting about this topic is, Google has released the Site Kite Plugin that brings together a variety of important Google products for WordPress. In the first version plugin, it has integrated four Google tools and products to help the optimization and monetizing WordPress sites, such as, Search Console, Analytics, AdSense, and PageSpeed.
Next in the last session that we participated, Fachruzi Ramadhan an WordPress enthusiast, gives his speech about WooCommerce in Multi-Channel Applications. It is all about WooCommerce plugin, and APIs to ease our work using e-commerce site. Because, we can integrated its APi to many e-commerce website such as, Amazon, eBay, or many more.